family weekend

{2004-06-14 & 7:35 a.m.}

this weekend was very nice. my mom and my sister arrived a saturday morning and we headed back to my place. I was glad that my mom liked my apartment, this was the first time that she had seen it. the weekend basically consisted of shopping and eating out, and walking around. i finally got a rug of sorts for my place, and a window fan, among other things. the window fan being my moms "house cooling" present. ohh she's a clever one.

i'd say my favorite part of the weekend was on saturday night when my mom was tired and just me and my sister went out, and all we did was walk around and then go to the trident bookstore to get some treats. it was just nice to talk. i wish that i was able to see her more often.

these next two weeks are going to be long i have a feeling. most people are done with co-op already. i being the silly one to work longer than the set work period. two more weeks, and then it's over. today we are going out to lunch, or well my co-workers are taking me out to lunch seeing as two of the 4 people i work with will not be here for the rest of the time i'm working.

i think a road trip of sorts is going to be needed this summer. i would like to go to canada. it could be wonderful i think.

{to & fro}

2005-02-10 - i must be getting back to dear antarctica
2005-02-05 - puke stories
2005-01-31 - so there was this fox, this gold eagle, and bunch of pigs...
2005-01-31 - so there was this fox, this gold eagle, and bunch of pigs...
2005-01-28 - sleepy panda
not the past
the elderly
something or other

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