rollerskating grandpa

{2004-06-11 & 7:16 a.m.}

hey! i wrote a nice long entry yesterday about my weekend. where did it go! huh? what's the deal. now this entry wont be as nice, or probably as long, but oh well.

so my extended weekend started to be nice once i started feeling better. i went out to eat with my dad and lorrie and her son reed, which was ok, though kind of quiet. i dont know if im just judgemental towards this kid, but i really think he is kind of bratty, maybe its just because i never really hung out with boys when i was in 5th grade. then i went out to dinner again with my dad and my sister in portsmoth on the way back from the airport. i would like to be in portsmoth more, its such a nice little city.

i went to the ocean with my mom and sister on tuesday, where it was about 80 degrees in town, but as we drove close to the coast it kept getting colder until we finally got there and it was about 58 degrees. it was still lovely though, we sat on the sad and talked and read.

then on wednesday we went to see my grandmother at her camp in freeport which was also nice. it was really hot. my grandmother was telling stories, one being when she first met my grandfather, and he was rollerskating when she first saw him. and this made me laugh, because my grandfather was a very tallk skinny awkward guy and i just cant see him rollerskating. i had to take the bus that day, so we didnt stay long, and then i got to be on hot crowded T's with redsox fans, and my giant backpack.

and now i need to finish getting ready for work!

{to & fro}

2005-02-10 - i must be getting back to dear antarctica
2005-02-05 - puke stories
2005-01-31 - so there was this fox, this gold eagle, and bunch of pigs...
2005-01-31 - so there was this fox, this gold eagle, and bunch of pigs...
2005-01-28 - sleepy panda
not the past
the elderly
something or other

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