the space

{2004-04-14 & 12:43 p.m.}

oh i just found out that of montreal is playing this weekend! oh goodness me, and im going home. but the wonderfully amazing news is that they are playing in maine too! how could this be. so lets see..i guess im going home friday after work, and then maybe sunday go to the concert with lindsay if she wants to go, she should it will be fun!!

and tyhen come back monday some time i guess. i was thinking of coming back opn sunday, but no longer if i can make it to this show. its been so long since ive gone to a concert in maine.

i ate a lot for lunch, my stomach hurts

{to & fro}

2005-02-10 - i must be getting back to dear antarctica
2005-02-05 - puke stories
2005-01-31 - so there was this fox, this gold eagle, and bunch of pigs...
2005-01-31 - so there was this fox, this gold eagle, and bunch of pigs...
2005-01-28 - sleepy panda
not the past
the elderly
something or other

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