oh when that shark bites...

{2004-03-22 & 7:49 a.m.}

so i left in a rush, to escape from mice. and now im back.

this weekend was very nice. i got to help my mom at her work, where i then got free samples of hand cream. but not just any hand cream, no nono. this stuff "udderly smooth" as it is called, it what they use on cow udders. and i must say it is great.

i then acted in a movie of ross's on saturday with derek and andy and ryan and some of ross's brothers friends as well. it was fun, the first time im actually in one of them. and i had to sing, which was interesting. then we watched the suicide club.

sunday i bought a bed. now i need to buy all sorts of other stuff for the apartment. i got back here last night, and one of my room mates was bringing hte trash down so i saw her i the lobby, and found out that i guess the mice are gone. they came and got the family of them which were still in my room mates laundry basket. and they are goin to come every day for the next ten days to see if we have any more. i think the only reason that they are being so nice to us, is one of my room mates parents called very upset, and they probably figure if they didnt do something, they would get sued. yes. horray for angry parents

{to & fro}

2005-02-10 - i must be getting back to dear antarctica
2005-02-05 - puke stories
2005-01-31 - so there was this fox, this gold eagle, and bunch of pigs...
2005-01-31 - so there was this fox, this gold eagle, and bunch of pigs...
2005-01-28 - sleepy panda
not the past
the elderly
something or other

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