so little red

{2004-02-06 & 7:30 a.m.}

create your own visited states map

or write about it on the open travel guide

this map looks sad, i thought i had been to more places than this, but no, just visited the same places a bunch of times it seems to be. I'm going home this afternoon, it should be nice. if the weather is good on saturday i will be visiting lindsay at her school.

I woke up this morning to someone violently coughing in the living room. it scared me, it almost sounded like a dog barking, and why would there be a dog in my living room.

i need to do some brainstorming.

{to & fro}

2005-02-10 - i must be getting back to dear antarctica
2005-02-05 - puke stories
2005-01-31 - so there was this fox, this gold eagle, and bunch of pigs...
2005-01-31 - so there was this fox, this gold eagle, and bunch of pigs...
2005-01-28 - sleepy panda
not the past
the elderly
something or other

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